well i think like maybe a paratrooper type map with a c-47 ww2 map where u spawn in the thingy and u fly down and theres antiaircraft, bridges, a...
looks really cool great job i like it a lot, but not the best srry, but its still really good
what ever happened to the good old WWI AND WWII and the VIETNAM MAPS? i miss them a lot, i really liked the d-day maps, and stuff, and vietnam...
no comment, everyone dont post on this okay??!??!? he need pics dl link and a description a real description listen to they guy w/ thre rules
looks pretty fun, i dont like the first one, but the other 2 seem really nice and fun, i look forward to playin them w/ homieg54
looks pretty good, i like the concept thingy. great job, ill dl asap
thats funny the last esentence i dont know why i named it that but i think im gonna make a v2
dude, holy crap amazing story i like the pic of the file, great job creative idea, could use some merging though
hey get on aim
looks pretty fun, i like where u got the idea from, so yeah, great job, but could use interlocking
The third room is gotton to by a grav lift that lifts u up to teleporters that send u to that room
yeah mayb e i should make a v2 wtih better spanpoints and not as bare
i know but its =not much to see its really really small i mean really i mean its really really small all it is is the pics pretty much but its...
Bopi Bopi is kind of like my old map despair, but it has a a curved roof, and instead of a second floor a g lift, spawns and u go up into a...
looks real reall good, i like the structure i would put this mlg map on the mlg list but thats me, ill dl asap
tsk tsks tks that is kinda sad, the map looks fun and cool so great job jus make it neat like he said
looks pretty sweet , i like the center struture alot, great job ill dl asap
it looks really fun nice interlocking and everything, great job and the gameplay looks amazing for it so ill dl and check out
looks pretty fun, and interesting idea, i like the gas station, ill dl wen i can
looks pretty fun, i guess, interesting idea, but wat up with the magnm spawns it should be plasma pistol and smg spawns, but wtever