wow. wow. wow. thats all i can say great map it seems like u worked hard nice merginga and geomerging great job
this looks really cool i like th econcept and the pillars r cool 2 i see some merging and thats good great job
how does sexy dude have ur pics? thats creepy, oh well sounds prety cool and from sexy dudes pics, it looks pretty cool
great job on ur first post looks like a lot of good merging and geomerging, u met up to standerds A+ on that, and the map looks pretty dang fun...
that looks prtty intense maybe more turrets and u could make this a ww2 map like take hill 192 that would be cool, good job
this map pack looks really cool i like the concept too i like the story also, the first map, the comet, is really really cool ive never seen that...
i like the the center sturcture curvy thingy it looks pretty sick i like the concept, too ill dl and check out
this is a real nice map with a lot of achretecture, its nice and smooth and it looks amazing for merging and gameplay ill dl wen i can
looks awsome i like the concept looks fun to play on ill dl and check out
sounds pretty cool and looks pretty cool i like the concept, too i havent seen that many original maps since the heroic map pack!!! ahh good...
looks pretty cool for ur first post looks fun and the gametype sounds cool so its like an office building? u should make a reception area, but it...
sounds kinda of cool but u need to figure out a way to make it so where it works everytime and sturff,
well it looks okay but u should make a gametype with were u spawn with random weapons and theres only like 2 weapons in case ur weapons are...
this looks pretty cool map idea is great i like the concept alot maybe some more merging but othere than that looks awome
sounds cool but u need pics!!! u have not long so get at it
sounds awsome but the pics arent workin but it sounds really cool
well, it looks pretty fun maybe a behicle, but the gameplay looks really good and the merging looks decent so great job
nice idea i like the concept but i think maybe u should make a bigger center structure
looks pretty cool i like the concpet , it seems open but yeah great job
well there isnt enough pics but it looks pretty cool and small but mabye a v2 to clean up some areas but good job