looks really smooth and clean and not messy greatjob it looks like u worked hard on it greatjob 4/5
wow i see lots of good merging and geomerging it looks really cool and smooth too, great job ill dl asap
loooks freakin sweet i like the concept and it looks really cool i like the sail a lot too
it looks pretty cool i see lots of merging but dont put as many weapons, it lead s to camping
it looks really sloppy and someone has already posted a map like this too, but neater so maybe a v2 would be nice
from the video it looks prety cool and the concept is nice but it seems open great job though
i like like the concept and all the rooms but it seems kinda open but greatjob anyway
looks pretty cool i like th econcept too, it seems really nicely merged too, greatjob 4/5
pretty cool idea and nice gametype i like the idea it looks prety cool illdl and check out
looks really cool and nicely merged and geomerged i cant wait to dl it and play it with my friends im q'd rite now
good map i see a ot of good mergin and geomergin great job ill dla asap
wow this is really cool il ike the curved roof alot ill dl asap and it looks relally cool grat job
nice merging and geo merging too, i like the concept and this is definately based on beaver creeak i can see the little rock thingy replicated by...
looks real nice and smooth great job, ill check it out asap, looks like u spent a long time on it. great job ill dl asap
nice map it looks fun and cool i like the teleportal thingy too, great map an d ilike the dl link too, great job
it looks really cool considering it is on cold storage although it looks simple, it looks fun great job ill dl and check out asap
this map has a lot of merging and geomerging from what i can see, it looks real nice, and smooth great map overall
i see lots of merging and geo merging thats good, it looks realy smooth and clean, greatjob ill dl and check out
nice mv2 map i like the idea, it looks a bit better than ur first map, so great job
nice map it looks real smooth and clean great job on the merging too, ill dl and check out asap