actuall it looks pretty fun how great job that u met up to standards on ur first post, but it does looks sloppy maybe some merging would od the tcikc
grat job and yes this a definate improvement from ur last map, it looks pretty clean and smooth could use some more cover but grea job
looks really nice and fun. i see some merging which i s good great job ill dl and check out asap
well the city looks pretty good but old idea but it seems really cool and u met up to standards gerat job
it looks pretty good although on some maps not enough pics but still cool i like how u made them on orginal maps too. gareat job
well u met up to standards a good sign very good and the map doesnt looks that bad just a tad bit sloppy ill dl and check out asap good job
okay besides the pics it looks pretty cool and fun, i see some merigng from the pics and it looks cool i dl and check out
looks pretty nice i like the idea the story is odd but yet cool ill give it a go at , illl dl asap
looks pretty fun but u should merge the x so its more aestheticly pleasing
ya use some more cover and more merging it looks sloppy, but it looks okay so clean it up a bit
looks pretty cool gameplay looks pretty cool too, great job ill dl and check out, great job ill dl asap
nice map ive never seen this idea, i like the concept, too, great job ill dl asap il ike the artillery device too grea job keep on forgin
ya i agree w/ other posts its cool but needs cleaning up great job ill dl and check out
it looks really cool and smooth, i see a lot of geo merging and reg merging great job ill dl asap and playh
looks pretty cool i see som e merging but could use some more pics but it still looks reall cool
yeah but u know on d-day all the dead people are only about 5000 mainly on omaha and juno beaches, juno was almost as bad as omaha but omaha had...
wwell it looks pretty good i see some merging, too which is a good sign,ill dl and check out and get back or try to get back to u
welll someone else could make a uber map on infection
ya im currently working on a map using this thats called D-Day and yes i want it to be this, yes its on foundry im makeing it beastly so dont...
well im srry to say not up to standards yadda yadda yadda click here for page how to embed 1. Save the picture onto your computer by right...