[IMG] This map was designed to be of a 'simple' arena style and was built to function with smaller parties. 2v2 Infinity Slayer stands out...
This ^
thanks, i know now not to ask questions anymore on this forum though as a lot of people have difficulty understanding English. You did in fact...
If you say so
Hey guys! A R C A S I U S here to bring you one of the most amazing maps I have ever created. It supports all game types and is beautifully...
This is a discussion because I had a few questions which I wanted peoples educated and RELEVANT opinions on. The so called "noise" cant be avoided...
Clearly. And I agree, your comprehension skills may be lacking somewhat but I don't know you personally so can't make an accurate deduction. But...
Honestly guys? He's just trying to put his point across in the simplest possible way and people are ignoring his logic and having a go at him...
The thread question was actually quite straight forward and easy to understand. Don't blame me if you lack basics in english and comprehension and...
Thank you! Finally. I thought I was going mental or something. One would think the point of this thread was plainly obvious... maybe we should all...
I think you're all missing the point of my post. If the map layout is great and simple and gameplay is great blah blah blah are aesthetic features...
Well I don't think many people like all the colours... to me it makes the map look like a playground... but I was referring to maps like what...
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-CMlK5ju3fG0/T3E2VJEGnhI/AAAAAAAAAJo/N_TrJD07jGs/s1600/darth-vader-i-find-your-lack-of-faith-disturbing.jpg That is...
Hey guys I've recently got into making urban themed competitive maps. Now these are fairly rare for some reason and not many people make them. To...
Basically if it is a block and the and has to render it visually then it will affect frame rate. It does not however affect the dynamic lighting...
Thanks for all the feedback guys :) arena style maps are great as they allow a perfectly balanced map in most cases and I used the urban theme to...
This was basically my reply to my friend, I completely agree. However I find in every matchmaking map there is rarely a power weapon in a jump up...
[IMG] Hey guys This is my very first 2v2 map and the smallest map I have ever forged. It is a symetrical circular map on ravine with an...
a friend of mine argued that if a power weapon is on a jump up or a relatively difficult spot to reach then it will go unnoticed by many players...
I did have a few questions about 2v2 if anybody is willing to lend a few tips. Basically are power weapons best to be layed out in a spot which is...