What is really funny is that yesterday when I started this, I had literally decided to make a courtyard inspired map... then reason I was...
Indeed it was. Also because the curved aesthetic piece was inspired by the burj al arab hotel in dubai. I cam across it while researching themes...
No not yet, it's still really early on, I only started it the other day and I was just curious on peoples opinions of the architecture and the...
Thanks for the feedback, I was considering somehow connecting those two areas however my initial attempts looked rather sloppy so itl be back to...
My patience wears thin when it comes to irrelevant comments on my posts in this forum. He could have asked the question AND left some feedback....
Can't quite remember which map that was but thanks xD
I always tend to make my maps too big so I made a conscious effort to keep it small and then build upon it once the basic layout is down. So I...
Thank you for your helpful feedback.
Hey Guys [IMG] Messiah is a map i've been working on for only two days and already it's shaping up quite nicely. its a symmetrical 4v4 map on...
yeah, ive already built 2/3 of a map layout and it all looks like concrete come to think of it. not sure if itl look good with aesthetic touches...
Please somebody try to answer this! On forge island all the ieces have been changed to a dull light grey texture. You can see clearly that they...
far out the grey tinge to all the pieces I can tell ill get sick of real quick, also all the pieces are grey so there is no variation in them and...
all pieces that were black are white... now everyone can stfu about noisy contrasting pieces ahaha. but everything has a grey tinge to it so it...
I just jizzed on my computer screen. happy forging everyone!
Ingenuity and creativity. I wanted to create something different so I did
In that video youl notice that ravine bridge has a new skin on it and the dimensions are slightly different so I think that's one of them. But I...
New Valentina Map Name: New Valentina Creator: A R C A S I U S Gamertag Hosting the map: A R C A S I U S Link to Forge Hub Thread:...
That would be pretty badass, but budget issues dude, not to mention I have no idea which pieces i'd use for that that could make a winding...
fan fkn tastic! was about to start a new map on ravine and now I cbf because I want to make it on the new forge map. fcuk fcuk fcuk
Hey man thanks for your feedback, funnily enough the initial design of that building did have a drop down on either side of the lift but what I...