Hulter and A Haunted Army like to cause fights and picks on irrelevant things on almost every forum. My point was that picking on my artistic map...
Oh so I poisoned it in the first place did I? ****ing hell you're a joke
Thank you for yet more spam on my map threads
I'd just like to ask everybody's opinion. Basically im finding alot of peoples attitude on TheHaloCouncil is that we here on forgehub are blind...
Looks cool, last one especially. Would love to see the second one finished asap as I love seeing rounded structures/ rooms. I could be wrong but...
yeah id take part in this as well I reckon. and the map name would have to be something prostitute like, eg. Flextacy or Candy or someshit :p
I like remakes because some maps are a lot better than the current game, but some are WAYYYYYY overdone, eg Lockout and the pit. Now what I don't...
Looks amazing but won't the scaling be a problem? I mean to have any decent games on this wouldnt it have to be at least double the size?
Thanks, I really wanted this map to play really well but look amazing so i'm glad general feedback is that i've pulled that off
looks interesting but wrong section
Looks nice, how far away is it from completion? Definitely reminiscent of sanctuary but with a hell of an overhaul
thats true but they could have been made A LOT better than what they are in my opinion. They all do too much altering of vision so you should be...
In general I think people agree with this due to the fact that most if not all power weapons always seem to be placed out in the open. I just...
I won't even get in on this lawl
Cheers dude, let me know how the games go! Thanks so much that would be really great, this map i feel is the best one ive ever forged and its...
Thanks man! The ramps were a b*ch to get lined up properly tho let me tell you... i'm glad you liked it :)
I really like this map, I've always loved mantis V Banshee in my opinion it works so well. Also I love how you managed to fix the bumpy walkway...
[IMG] -There was a time when this once grand harbor flourished with life. But now subjected to the wrath of the Promethean's, it has no purpose...
Ironically you posted this in 'forge discussion'... The new screenshots have helped a bit to ascertain the layout and it's looking really...
I look for words that describe the map and or its theme or layout then I hop onto google and thesaurus the **** out of those words until something...