Extremly old, but done well
Oh yeah i rember that! Small world....
Man this is legit. Im feeling the weapon placement man.....Very.......better than mine...... The interlocking over looks very presise and the...
Yea ive seen this before, but i do have to say its very impressive
Thats legit
thanks, it was tooken in the same film as mid yellow
Well i cant find the link but its just the teleportor rooms on avaluanche ( under them) the blue one is ice and orange is rock
yeah well, im done making split color pictures....but thanks for the comment
well thank you, and also, most of my pictures are jus a spike plasma or rocket.... also i didnt make the concept flamthrower and most people can...
Heres another Split picture, this time with the arbitor....So i dont get annoyed with a handfull of "how do you do that?" comments, ill answer...
I like it but between the sniper and the head seems very bright, but i dont really want to be a hypocrite considering my pictures... I like the...
yea....ummm i have no idea how to fix the title, i only know how to edit the text nvm.....i found out
Soryz no guide( pretty simple just go to ice room and experiment) Anyways, i never evan realized the poop color
OMG............Im gunna have so much freagin fun on this map...... great interlocking and awsome idea.......i dont think ive ever seen...
Eh....the wings are a bit... not cool enough, and theres not enough aroura to see for it to be in the name, if it were to be aroura, the whole...
No, i like the clothing brand and skating
Its an A? ****......
Unstoppable Hers a new effect me and my friend CanadianSnowJob made. i havent seen much like it so......i think its pretty cool. No It will not...
Big letters always help people lol
thank you, but there is already a comment telling how to do it