i recently took 3 new pictures and i want to put 1 or 2 on my share, which ones do you think should i put on? [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
I have no interest in these pictures, sorry, (and this is just my opinion) but i hate just normal gameplay shots unless they have a meaning, also...
its campain i think, outside of The Covenent, other than that, i cant think of a map with that cloud formation and that close of a ring....
Yes its the manncannon cave and also i agree with the armor color, but this was from a random game so......but thatnks for the feeback!
I made this picture to celebrate the anouncment of Halo 3:Recon. Respectfully Its called "Prepare to drop" with the description being The hopefull...
Ok, Watch you gotta do is go to blackout canvas, make a platform in the sky ( make sure its slanted a like the stairs angle) and make your weapon...
ummm ive done this before, energy blockers will do absolutley nothing....at all... also there are many see-through effects so you should go strait...
im likeing the back round, but the spartans contrast ( lighting) is to dark for my taste, when hayabusa is in a picture i like it to be blissfaly...
yes, but my friend told me to stick it in your head, also, i know hes on your friends list, as your on his, and weve played together, i really...
this has been done many times, and you didnt exactly exacute this right so 2/5
i just extremly doubt it cuz the shot been out for a very long while and i kinda doubt Username loading..... has posted any of his own shots here.....
i like the first one, it shows sparks rage at Non-Forgers.
jeez, ive had to post this a couple times in a few days, give credit where credit is due, cuz its obviously bungie who took it...
i bet maybe 2% of the people here cannot find out that hes lying, its just a screenshot IGN.com took. Also you can cleary see it says matchmaking...
for some very odd reason, i highly doubt thats your picture.......give credit were credit is due with a bungie link
the ice room, and its on avalunche, also, whos fileshare did you get it from????Hmmmmmm??? Thats right, xtsxsimmskillx's... How dare you not give...
Both wrong, right now, bungie is finishing up there community spotlight and after that, their new employe shall choose them. ( his b.net name (and...
well at the time it was made, there was only one picture alike to this. Plus it wasnt evan staged, with is odd for me, i got it in lone wolves =)...
Great map, i played the matchmaking version and it was loads of fun, Glad this got featured.
Acualy, me and my Friend who mad this shot were just fighting around in the ice room.....