Its almost here! Only 16 days until the release! I do have a question... Im not that good at respawn points. So I will have someone that is good...
Thanks alot it took me like 2 hours 1 hour for the idea another to make it.
PICS for map I made pics
Hello fellow Forge Hub community! My new map is going to be great I already have the main structure in the middle complete! The name of the map...
Nice This is nice but I thought it would be to where if you jump on the boxes they fall :(. Oh well i love the idea it looks like it will have a...
... This is an O.K. map it isnt great it isnt bad. You need to delete the shield doors on the Defenders side. Those make it to hard for the...
Ok I am currently working on a new map and its going to be awesome i already know what the middle pice will be but I need an idea for the outer...
Wow!!! The only thing i can describe this map as is.......NACHOS!!!! This is one of the most acurate recrations of the Pillar EVER!!!!! I give it...
NIce This is a nice map. I would however like to see more scenery and the Attackers side needs more stuff. I like the geommerging though. Overall...
Nice Dude I played this with you like 30 mins till you put it on ForgeHub. I LOVE this map it has a great system to it. I like how the map sort...
thanks good idea
Hello Forge Hub community, its CK Yoflorg here with a big favor! My last map Bolivian was good and I am making a V2. But thats beside the point. I...
Two thousand yeas ago during a time of suffering a castle was abandoned by a King. Now it serves as a high-tech battle ground for Spartans and...
Will someone please make me a sig? I want a sig that has my clan picture which is right here [IMG] and put 'Join The Saints' over the people. I...
Wow Dude I knew you would put this on Forgehub! I remember in like August when you first showed me this! Stin10 and I freaked out! This is an...
Map Hey good job this is pretty good for a Pit map! I would change some things, first make sure that the zombies have cover from the turrets,...
ummm Hey welcome to Forge Hub this isnt up to standards but u should get mod to fix it. If u need any help posting a map just ask me.
Lots of people have thrown their controllers at their X-Box for the simple reason of THE RED RING OF DEATH!!! I recently got TRROD (red ring of...
Hey there fellow Forghub community! I need 5 testers to test my Boogies Flag map thats all i will say about that map right now. So if you want to...
Simply wow... this should get featured 6.5/5