I appreciate that. Having an open beta tommorrow at 8pm central time. Just send me a friend invite.
Thanks download the map and join my game. Crypt0 117 is my GT. Thanks.
Nope. There is a back door. Download the map. And come join the fun.
Come join the open beta going on now !!!!!!!!!!!!
Download the map and join my current game. Please help me test it out. Thanks.
No problem but if you download you can see much more of the map too.
I was kinda hoping for some gameplay responses. I want to see how it plays first and then see about making it look pretty and stuff. But thanks....
Built for slayer and capture the flag . Perfectly symmetrical. Download Map Weapons: 2 plasma rifles 2 carbines 4 battle rifles 2 assault...
Let me know .I can always use some good advice to improve my map making techniques.
Thanks. Please try with some friends and let me know what you all think.
Sorry for the long reply time. Anyone else try my map. Please try. This map took me about 4 days to finish.
Yeah its small, intense and fast. Not for the weak of heart. I wish I could add some more stuff but I ran out of cash.
Yeah, I forgot it but its there now. Thanks.
I forgot thanks.
Thanks, please try it out with some buds. I'm always looking for tips to make maps fun.
Loosley based on Zanzibar. But much smaller. Designed for Slayer, Assault and Infection. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum...
That was the motivation. I only had so much cash. There is an "assembly line" in the middle of the plant.
Hey I appreciate that. I wanted it to play and look like I gave a damn. Please try with some buds and tell me what you think. Thanks.
Did you dl? What did you think of the gameplay?
Thats the beauty of it. You play this with 8 people and you will have a freaking blast. The giant wall could use some turned boxes. But that...