Yep. Immature humor. That's all it is.
I was basically just fooling around in Pivot Animator and was going to try something simple (a man being kicked in the nuts) but then I had the...
I also found it to be a source of major lulz.
Okay. Thanks for the feedback. Bad idea.
This is my idea for a contest. If this takes off, I will have a new theme every contest, somewhat like the SOTW. Except, this does not have to be...
YouTube - Irod Bad! Hehehe.....
LMAO! YouTube - Arthur Weatherman Watches WoW Freakout Kid I feel a knew meme coming on! (As if it wasn't one already....)
I think this has been posted before. I didnt bother to watch it the last time though. blehblergblargblargblahbleh Excuse me. I just puked all the...
A cool text effect: [IMG] v2 if my the GIF in my sig (big change): [IMG] Which one should I use fo my sig?
EDIT: NEVERMIND I WANT IT. PLEASE LOCK OR DELETE THREAD. Sorry for the huge inconvenionce.
Anyone know how long that might be?
I have'nt been on Live in forever, becuase I broke my thumb playing (American) football and have to wear a cast, and I'm waiting a little while...
Nothing too big. Pretty simple. Might use it as a sig. And I got the render of my player model from Just go to your service record and...
Love the fourth, you HAVE to show me how to make text like that. In the halo wars one, i would suggest you remove the brush stroke from near sgt....
I was bored so I made this in CS3. I know theres a lot of empty space, but I cropped it down, and it lost its 3D look. Besides, space is never...
v1: [IMG] v2: [IMG] Which one do you like better? (I know they both need some cleaning up to do, they're just rough drafts)
Worse than two girls one cup if you ask me, even if it is animated. Great song, though. WARNING!!!: Do NOT watch if you have a weak stomach!...
YouTube - Slipknot - Psychosocial
iGuitar Hero. Hook your ipod to the guitar (or something) and upload all your songs into the game. /thread.
**** yeah.