Does anyone know if there is any way of making some sort of spinning platform, almost like a carosel? (Its on Foundry by the way.) Any...
Yeah, that's right. Thanks for the compliment.
I do? Where? lol I really need a nap.
There's 87 bazillion.
****. lol EDIT: Fixed it, I'm running off of no sleep right now.
A delicious lemon-lime flavored soda.
A scary short story I had to write for my langauge arts class. Thought I'd share it with you guys. (Sorry the text is balck I don't know what...
Jeez, Italy is rough. He got beat up twice, lol.
I decided to use my second youtube account that was originally meant for machinima (but I suck at making machinimas) so I decided to put it to use...
Got tired of my PSP wallpaper, so I decided to make some myself. Made this one a few days ago (basically just a test/current wallpaper, really...
All I did was copy the BB code from haloscreenshots.
It actually wasn't an idea originally. I was playing Firefight on Windward and fell of the edge. I was still shooting at a grunt so I was aiming...
Well, here you go."][IMG][/URL] Link to Bungie
How come everyone the Bears trade away suck, until they get to their new team? Kyle Orton all of a sudden has an amazing arm, and Cedric Benson is...
My character screamed "!!!!!!!!!" in Firefight while I had IWHBYD skull on.
There's two zebras on a huge moniter on the ...4th level? I'm not to sure.
I just rented ODST yesterday, and I LOVE Firefight. It makes me feel so awesome at Halo, with all the easy-to-get multikills and sprees. So far my...
I threw the rest of the cake too!
Andy Samberg's new video. Saturday Night Live - Digital Short: On the Ground - Video -
Breakdancing Stickman Fail [IMG] Inspired by: YouTube - Break Dance Fail (parenting fail)