But it won't let me select .png in the drop down box, so would it still save it as a .png, or just whatever is selected? EDIT: Yeah, doing that...
All of a sudden photoshop cs3 won't save things as .PNGs. It doesn't even give me the option. Anyone know what the hell is going on? EDIT: Okay,...
Followed a 3D text tutorial made by Huntar. [IMG]
I usually do, this was just a quick little project to help overcome my bordem.
Yeah, I noticed that, but it's saved as a .PNG, so I would have to start over to do that. And besides, it was just out of bordem, so I really...
I was listening to Come Together, and remembered that John Lennon's birthday recntly passed, so I thought I'd give him and the rest of the Beatles...
Here's what I came up with: [IMG] [IMG] NOTE: Best visible in FH Dark or FH Dark X (Not too simple, but I thought I'd still give it a shot)...
I'll see what I can do; no pay neccesary, though. EDIT: Can you give me a pic of the logo you want it to be similar to?
There all pretty great, I'd say three is my favorite. Btw, what did you use to make them? And where'd you get the t-shirt templates? I've been...
v1 (a little to bright for my taste) [IMG] v2 [IMG] Tell me what you think, and if you think I should put a tut for this up on my youtube...
No, and I doubt the magic wand will work, considering the PSP white almost fades into the background white.
Well I was searching white psp render on google and when I posted that I assumed it would have a transparent backgorund. Don't get me wrong, I'm...
The first one is a continiuance with a small twist to it of most of my previous gradient-based psp backgrounds: [IMG] And now- a new style:...
+2 gazillion friendship points for agamer93. Also, you can haz cookie (::)
I've been looking for a render of a white PSP for 20 minutes now and can'f find one. Anyone wanna help me out I'm looking for a white PSP (2000 or...
It's owned by the WPF, so I doubt that rumor is correct. If it was that would be the crulest thing ever.
My exact answer. I had the same question too at first, but it started to make sense when I suddenly used one of the words in a conversation.
I am anything but vegitarian, but I do feel for the animals in the videos. I don't know if I would ever stop eating meat or drinking dairy, but I...
No problem, and thanks for raising the awarness further.
A freind recently showed me a site called www.freerice.com and I thought I'd share it with the FH community. At Free Rice, you can donate 10...