T'was the beginning of a normal match on Hemmorrhage and one of my team mates were driving a ghost in a normal fashion while he went Uber speed...
A map post requires 3 pics. I would suggest you to add a pic before the map thread is locked by the mods.
How long do you think it will take until you post the final version in a video? BTW, these videos helped me so much that I subscribed. :)
I don't believe your screenshots are working...
The second time I went over Reach's campaign in legendary, I kept killing Bob without noticing... (such as when I was being a reckless Warthog...
I'm not too fond of Reach and the Scorpion's overpowered tendencies are one of my big reasons to not like it that much. Well, quite a load of...
deleted post.
I don't believe it would make sense to rate this map... but whatever : 1.5/ for being original... :P
Summit for (probably) being the best invasion map ever! >:3
To find information for these ranks, I would suggest going to your help box and clicking "Rank System". The thread provides information to...
A racing map with good aesthetics? Me gusta <3 (usually race maps don't look very appealing).
OMGZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome :3
Well, at least there ARE killzones. If there weren't, then camping would be more common and it would be quite easy to escape a map.
Wow. Usually I hate maps utilizing he FX, but I love this map with it. It is truly a master piece. Well done! :)
This map is extremely original and serves some of the most amazing aesthetics I've seen which don't seem overdone. I especially like the lava...
Liberty by Frozenlynx Aecus by Knight of 0rder Summit by Meta Waddle Dee.
There are too many bridges which may be a real pain during the fight. I would suggest adding more platforms in exchange of bridges and replace the...
Very original forging. Me Gusta. <3
IKR? Rockethogs are freaking annoying and overpowered at times. Btw I am quite sure that this Firefight map with be released within a DLC in Halo:...
It hasn't been released yet... How could he have?