You're not getting it either. I'm not denying that it works to win. It just kills the fun. Do you even understand what we're arguing about?
Or it's for people who want to use the chainsaw because it's ****ing cool to see someone get cut up? I could shoot someone easily, but if I get a...
Perhaps you don't get the point I'm trying to make. Nothing about gameplay. THERE IS A ****ING ASSAULT RIFLE WITH A CHAINSAW ATTACHED! Do you have...
How dare they attempt to use a feature that was intended to be in the game! How does it piss you off? Grow up.
I can not take you seriously after that. Your logic is awful. Your soccer metaphor was so awful it hurt you more than it helped you and you're...
I was referring to the other team trying to chainsaw all the time like idiots, giving you free kills. Perhaps you didn't understood what I said....
That's a good thing in my book.
Principles don't carry over game to game like that. It actually doesn't happen that often, it's just annoying when it does. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO...
Who cares what game mode you're chainsawing people in, you're still chainsawing people. It doesn't get more badass than that.
Cliffy B said in an interview that the first Gears of War was supposed to show very little story and be all about the action, so you didn't...
What exactly are you supposed to do when someone is hiding? Wander around and check every hiding spot that I know about. I don't get on youtube...
Now you're trying to twist what I'm saying. I like competition, but not when one person plays in a cheap manner to win the competition. I'll...
It's being overly competitive, and it's just not fun. Video games are about fun, not intense competition. I want to play people my skill level...
I'm obviously not the only one anticipating this and this is probably not even close to the first thread about this, so I'll get in to it pretty...
It's not because I lost to HLG. I actually have a friend in HLG, but he doesn't hide when I play with him because even he's aware that it's a...
Read better mother ****er, ARE YOU AWARE THAT HIDING/CAMPING AN ENTIRE GAME RUINS THE FUN FOR THE OTHER TEAM? Nobody wants to look for you unless...
Are you aware that hiding completely ruins the game for the other team? Because it really does. So either you are amazingly ignorant or a complete...
It's not fun to play for either person. That isn't the wrong way to play as in he's cheating, it's the wrong way to play as in it's ****ing gay...
You're so stupid I facepalmed. Apparently he was never taught this by his parents, and the school did a poor job. I would agree with him entirely....