I have to say, that thread in your signature was hilarious.
Oh God. Oh God. All That Remains. I just came. Twice. Wait...Thrice.
YouTube - Echelons To Molotovs-A Guitar Hero Custom-The Human Abstract
rawrrrr come back blah
1. Meh, I wouldn't know because I don't pay much attention to that kind of stuff anymore. I think they're both idiots. 2. First...AntiPro-McCain?...
Obama's economy jump start plan lololololololololol
Ron Paul Revolution!
Now you stay in this closet and watch what I do to your mother now, ya hear?
You should use Mario. You know, because you're Italian and whatnot. ....No?
Now I remember. Woooooo....
So who is that guy?
Nope. PS: I can't change the name of member roles you liar! PSS: OoTA loves Sharpest. PSSS: I own your profile comments.
I appreciate the effort, but their stats won't matter WHEN I AM KICKING THEIR ASSES!
The hell is that?
I just figured out which one controls that border, and it ****s up my whole thing. Fail.
k k k k k k k
I'm not sure though, because there are a bazillion different border things.
Hey, which option on User CP would I need to change to get rid of that border around my profile picture? I look over at my avatar and the blacks...