I just downloaded because I am a huge tower of power fan. I like the overall structure of the base and the gametype idea. Having to be in the hill...
I think that perhaps an underground tunnel system like in Halo CE Mission "Halo" would be sick. If you don't know what I am talking about the...
I have been waiting for this map to come out all day! - lol. I will definitely be practicing this to an unnecessary extent. Thanks again for...
Welcome to the community. I hope you find everything to your liking. Please make sure you read the ForgeHub rules before posting, because they...
hey nemlsls is that friend I was talking about. And we just signed up. Sorry man, but I will still be happy to forge with you and stuff.
Yo bro. Waz up?
ya sure. And i dont actually know when the signup are over, lol. I just thought I heard 5 days somewhere...
Ya I saw the sig. It looks pretty cool. And I beleive there are still 5 days to sign up.
When I thought of what this map reminds me of, only one came to mind. That map is Tunnel Raid. Most of you probably havent heard of it because it...
Ya I'll be ur parnter if my friend decides to blow me off. I know him in person though, that's the only reason I am waiting on him, lol.
Is this pick inside the blue base on avanlanche? It looks like someone threw a plasma grenade behind it or something.
I think the sig is the bomb, even thought I have no idea what the whole "wicked" relates to. It is still pretty cool though. 5/5
actually I dont at the moment. I am waiting to see if one of my friends wants to.
Hey I just got back from playing this map. The gameplay isn't extremely great because the shotguns are overpowered and the spawns are hectic. For...
Umm I can't really rate your map or give you any useful information because these pictures are very confusing. I am not trying to be mean or...
I gave you green rep. I am not sure why it shows that you are in gray rep right now. I have only been here at forgehub for about 3 weeks, so I...
I give this a 5/5 because of the appealing usage of interlocking and geo-merging. From the looks of it, this map probably has amazing gameplay....
I'm sorry but I can't take this post seriously. You have several grammatical errors, and a very poor description. Not to mention that the pictures...
The Jurrasic Park theme is not original, but I like the layout of the map and the usage of timed events. I give it a 4/5 because your post is not...
Here is the link to the sig shop were I got my sig. Oh and just look around on the forums. You should see me every now and then.