I'm going to make this short, sweet, and to the point. This map should, and probably will, be featured!!! What I like about the map. 1. The...
I remember from like a month ago that I challenged you to make a lift with two switches, and it looks like you perfected it. This could be what...
What would even give you the intention that screwing a child, especially your child, to be ok. This man is ****ed up.
well I gave it to you because for once you did something appropriate, but I guess it doesnt really matter now, does it?
If I didn't know it, I would have guessed that this map was already being used in the MLG Pro Circuit. Thats how great it is. I love the gameplay...
I think that is ridiculous. If they are from mexico, they are mexican. I'm from america, so I am american. It's not like I take the term offensively.
Turf Coagulation Headlong Lockout The Pit Guardian Construct Midship Terminal Burial Mounds I like more of the Halo 2 maps than the Halo 3 ones....
Very interesting. Did you figure this out by yourself, or did someone show you?
I would like to see a halo RPG like world of warcraft but for the xbox. That would be cool. I would love to be able to be a marine / grunt /...
I'm going to be dead honest. I don't like the this picture for two reasons. First off it's too small, and second it's one of those picture that...
Nice lift. I think that it is very well made, but I have seen many like this. Sooo...I challenge you to make a lift with not only an on switch,...
Umm I have no idea how to respond to that. I didn't see that coming.
This is a nice picture. I like how it looks photoshopped, but it isn't. For everyone who thinks that this is photoshopped it is not because he has...
That is some extreme editing. Nice find, that was pretty funny! lolz..
Good observation, but the only way to get the flame is to work for bungie. The shoulderpads do not affect anything in any way. You also don't have...
The first level/second level idea is really creative. I can't say anything about gameplay because I haven't downloaded the map yet, but from the...
Here is the link to the download on Bungie.net.
Nice find. This will definitely make making maps much easier for everyone. I downloaded all three. Thanks a bunch.
I think that this map looks very clean and well thought out. The interlocking looks awesome. I haven't played it yet, but I can't wait till I do! 5/5.
That sounds like it would be a lot of fun! I wonder if they will do one any time soon.