I think its pretty good unlike what a lot of people have been saying. I don't think many people realise that this is JUST a sketchup and the final...
Kay I put the vid on the thread through youtube, but how do you embed rendered vids?
I first went to a church lockin (Epic) hanged out with my friend and some girls and these too other dudes. and found out this one girl likes me......
Ill try to render a vid.
Look at the captions click on the arrow next to it it should open a new little box.
Im not sure how I did this but I think my map has despawning objects! I am really not sure how this works... But for some reason objects...
HAHAHA! "I told the crew the blacks did what!" hahaha!
The walkways in the sketch are too small there the size of a double wall layed down on its flatter side.
Ima use the quarry and the air/water around it pus the cliff its on.
You have to copy the img code not the link in the url... I think thats what you did wrong. Also could a mod delete all comments after he gets his...
2:21 Look at the radar... Radar Jammer? WHy does it say 343 Industries at the bottom.
Unlike most of the people posting here, I actually don't think this is useless. I think that these are very good ideas. But, I am pretty sure the...
Looks smexy. I like. But I believe you will have to change some of the windows. Cuz I believe glass pieces are 50 each and you only can make 50....
Yeah, I'll try sharpening it later... But, right now I'm playing MNC, and sorry for the late reply. --- Yeah, I'll try sharpening it later......
[IMG] V1 [IMG] V2 CNC Plox... Stock [IMG]
I want mah VIP proximity traits! I need them!
No for all of it in the sketchup, it would only cost 4000 at the most. I think 3750 to be exact.
EAch Slate is I believe 100 or 200. Mostly everything else is 10-25
^^Lol^^. But its definately worth making. It looks pretty good so far but I think you could mess around with the radar more on Reach... Looks good.