This is the second installment of my sketchup map DeathDrop. This update is so big it NEEDED it's own thread. Be wary: You will be amazed by the...
Its hard to get correct scales and harder to implement 3d aspects.
Agreed, I want to make a giant elevator power by man cannons, sortof like the Sniper tower ike the Cops and Robbers map that PRSP posted (I think...
Yes I am aware of this... I am adding shorter, more direct paths and there will definately be more cover. But I'm keeping the small details for...
Sorry to inform you but you will recieve a fraction pretty soon for reviving a thread that has been inactive for a year. The rules say you may...
Lol... AMazing. More plox!
Looks great for a first map/post. The only thing I can recomend is cleaning up the ship... Because in one the pictures the column doesn't meet up...
mmmmm.... Sexy and yummy. That's probably it.
Updated with your Tips and everyone elses... Also yeah I was wrong about smoke bomb I have discovered it is very useful and really helps on the...
You should join this website The Custom Experience, Its a forging website and it needs more forgers like you... Not saying they arent good but I...
0:16... The blocks aren't there. I think I might have an explanation. So I'm using Psycho's Ghost Merge Canvas (Its blocked off not like the...
Yeah, Srry for late reply I seem to be doing that alot... Please do not count this as a bump moderators... It's not. Yeah, I've been working on...
Yeah, I've been reading since the first one, it really helps with map design and layout and such. Head over to it, read and comment... Commenting...
There is... Sorry for not being clear. Yeah but the reason I have the tips that I have up now are because they work most of the time for me and...
Yeah, this game is awesome... I like the Assault and Support, used to be able to go 28 and 12 with support. Now I average like 20 and 16 or 22 and...
Oh yeah sorry bout asking about how it was 2 years... I re-read it and understood better. Looks pretty nice, They got better each time the only...
It won't take much time to get good at Forge 2.0. We have all never played it so we can't give anyone tips sadly. The only advice I/we can give...
More pics please... How did you simulate the grass/canyon and you've said you've been working on it for two years... How?
No I competely realise that but if you want to make it bigger than you will have to go outside of using boxes, windows, and the colliseum walls....