Looks really good, but I don't like the Black Border/outline along the text.
Hello there, I hope you have a great time at forgehub. I sent you a pm telling you some cool things you might want to know, check it out.
Yes, this would be quite a problem. And I have a map pack planned for this gametype I just haven't release any info on the other two maps. But,...
Hey dude! Welcome to the hub, I have the first StarCraft if you'd like to play sometime. I haven't set up my online yet, but I will if you'd like...
How many "Structures" do you have? Like Buildings and the other big pieces besides the slate and colliseum window. Youy can only have 12 said...
I have said I would not get this game a billion times... Now I want it.
I think not! Here at forgehub we get those average every day trolls and spammers more often but at Xforgery we have the spam collector which is...
Video walkthrough plox? I can't see much of the map besides the top and the side. Look up Camstudio to record it for free.
I like it but my suggestions are: - Make it so it variates height a little more towards the middle because as of right now the upper walkways...
No, there will be cover in the base but the cover on the outside is mostly for the attackers and line of sight blockers. I think you or I just...
That might work, I'll have to try that. Yeah you got it right.... Other way around... The defenders are dead if they step too far out of the base.
Yeah, I'll have enough. If I don't, I'll improvise. Do you have any suggestions? Also, sorry guys for seeming like a bump... I didn't realised I...
Thanks for the rulebook, but I'm gunna play as the community of Xforgery has. Also update: Check the OP for Vid #1 and updates on team roster.
The light source is too strong. Just fade out the light source above his head... it looks great on his arm, but it kind of ruins it on the head.
I really like the sniper but I have to go with The Covenent's weapons because they look cooler. Also, more people would take you seriously if...
You can't, unfortunately... There are modded gametypes but... /thread
I want covy themed forgeworld, forest/swamp forgeworld (with trees and water), city forgeworld, update that makes water displaceible so I could...
Does this effect renewing subscriptions?
Yeah that could work? And please xplain the first sentence. I do not understand it.
Im doing yellow, the hardest of them all. Im gunna record the playthrough too.