Yay! I'm in these pictures! Lol but really nice map you got going here. The only thing I can recommend is add more spawn points so the elite can...
So I played it... It was great aside from two things: 1. The Loopdeloop doesn't work all of the time and is annoying coming out of... Don't do it...
Okay, I downloaded. I never got pass the jump you have in the second picture. It is impossible to make. It was a cool concept but I think it was...
Dangit! I was going to make a structure just like that in my next map! I hate you! Lol, I'm serious I was going to do build something just like...
It doesn't work like that either. In the custom game it will be in the place where it settled in forge and not where you let go. Technically, It...
To start things off: I am creating a service in where I use video to review maps or I can capture a flythrough showing off the map with music of...
He was rated Hyper Deadly. Same as Master Chief. Also, its spelled Jorge. His death was epic. Kat's death was lame. She frigging gets shot in...
Not if there set on "Phased" physics.
I still have to fill in on alot of the gulch. I ran out of building blocks so I have a very limited selection of items, and I only have $1300...
This is a map I am making on Forgeworld for the Invasion gametype. I am about halfway done. I am done with most of the layout, I just need to...
I play firefight matchmaking with 3 of my other friends (4 total) and we choose the "SniperFight" gametype and just go for headshots. You get like...
Looks cool, but your banned because you had the game early... At least I think so. It looks cool and I'll give it a try.
I'll help. But really there is no ultimate guide to forge. Its designing that makes a map good not the forging. But, I will help anyways.
Do you mean line things at the same height or set things next to each other vertically? The first one: 1. Use rotation Snap to get whatever...
After reading the Forgehub guide... Is it really neccessary to have to go through all those steps. I used to be able to do it with: 1. Find Image...
Nice, but this isn't that hard to grasp and we already have multiple threads on this... Also, Photobucket is way easier to use. Trust me.
Thank you. Well yeah, I don't add too much detail in my sketchups otherwise I am disapointed when/if I run out of budget or If I can't do it....
You need to add ValenDread.
Look for the button that says either "Print Screen" or "prt sc". Hit that and then just do everything else I told you. You're on a desktop, right?...
Meh, I have always hated "Halo on Halo" but it seems like you could possibly recreate the feeling. I don't think this will be as much fun because...