Silencers confirmed (According to the Trailer). Different ammo types? Chief switched something on the gun while flying. It first looked like a...
Sorry, but what is the IP for Crafthub? I just got this game yesterday.
After reading this discussion I think I will butter up my parents for money being that I am broke. I have what... Oh yeah, 2 pennies... Lol My...
Before I start please post who you thought the killer was at the beginning, a quarter of the way through, half the way through, 3 quarters of...
I assume most of you know about the "Marble Hornets" series on youtube. We all know that it is fake, but a spawn off that series, "Everyman...
The introduction to my new Fallout: New Vegas series called Exploring the Wastes, or EtW. It is still processing so be patient. I know the audio...
Thanks. Understandable. I might have come on too strong with the "support" thing. Fixed. What was the map named? If it was "BroBot" that was...
Yet another masterpiece made out of "Junk". The whole Idea out of these projects was to show that you can actually make something on maps other...
This map is truly amazing. I've played it multiple times with Godly and some others and it played excellent each time. It was designed perfectly...
Just reupload it to your file share. Go on Bnet and put it into a file set. Get the link of the map in the file set and replace it with the...
No problem. Its a great song
Okay, I have the right one. Thanks.
Okay, and which one would that be... The file is named as: The_Silence_Broken-In_Search_of_Hope Im not sure which one that is so may I have a...
Brobot The Master of all Bros Well, in my free time I decided to make something on Boardwalk. I was hoping I could establish a mini-game or an...
I have a question to ask you... May I use "In Search of Hope" for a map video I am making?
Oh, just wondering.
Your the drummer, right?
Ok, Thanks
Hey, could I have some links to more of the songs your band plays? I have Brokaw, In Search of Hope, and Poor Carmine, but I was wondering if the...
I'll try to help. Don't expect fancy editing though. Send me a pm first. GT is IxFlashPointxI