The middle structure realy caught my attention. Very original. You got the right amount of open areas ballanced with covered areas in the middle...
Great track. The trees are the most original thing I've ever seen. I like how the lighting effects around the trees made them look cool such as in...
I like the two big curves in the middle. The turns were very nicely forged. And the one using the wood planks was good looking with the...
Interesting.... Very original. I, myself, haven't seen a flying race before, I'm sure theres been other though. But I like it. Good idea putting...
I like compactness of the middle part, but then the parts where it becomes farther apart makes it look bad. It would be nice if you could keep it...
This track is awsome. Its great for just 4 or so people so it's not to crowded. It offers a great challgne. I still haven't made it to the end...
I like the layout. It is very original. And the bases are an orginal design as well. One problem that I encountered was that the pathways with the...
This is very unique. I like zombie games where you have to dodge. And the ball return makes it even better. Download coming up. Which are which?...
I like how you took the time to merge with the sand. That makes it look awsome and gives a nice effect. Kinda make it feel like a real map of its...
First thing I thought when I saw the first pick was, "Wow! This map is big!". Why I say that is because I haven't seen maps this good that are...
I see what you mean with the shot guns. But still I think maybe some kind of limited view from the sniper tower in a v2. From up there you could...
The middle upper walkways made with walls weren't merged very well with the boxes. If you look in picture #3 you can see how it's not merged the...
The outside of the map looked pretty good. I thought the map was forged very well. The way the tubes stretched out to the corners was nice. One...
I like the design of the map. A few things cool be improved like the neatness, but the design is good. Something I would consider doing is swaping...
I like the map. Very nice structures, Esp. the center piece. It's very original. The power weapons might be pushing it. I would remove the rockets...
Hum, I like it. It's definatly original, I haven't seen anything like the middle structure before, or the two base things, or those weird 4 pillar...
~T for Terminal~ Created By: Hank102938 Is this place terminal? Or is this place a terminal? I'm confused, are you? Download T for Terminal...
I like it. I'm usually not a fan of simple circular tracks, but the additions you have made plus the great interlocking make it really good. Also,...
I like how it is designed, how it gets smaller in the middle. I could see alot of attempting to sneak to the other base to get behinde, and alot...
I like the middle structure alot. An upgrade to the bases would really help the map, then you could add CTF or something. Right now, they look...