Actually now that you mention it, reversing the objective would be interesting. The humans would have to escape the wells and find better...
So, there is one human and everyone else is zombies... Interesting. If the human had good weapons and enough ammo this might be good, but It seems...
Just like on COD the teleporters disorient you. They're a good way to escape, but a good way to get confused too. Nice map though. It doesn't have...
There's something about this map that feels epic. I love the water feature in the middle with the stairs and everything. I'm not sure about the...
I saw this an instantly thought of a Christmas tree made on Valhalla in Halo 3. Aw good times. Nice map too, great for goofing off or celebrating...
This map looks pretty nice. Seams as though it would only work for asymetrical game play though. The open base with the dish and the AA gun on it...
Well Watcher - Download Guardians of the wells will give their all to abolish human activity in the caves. [IMG] The basic overview of the map....
This was one tough track. Its defiantly epic, but long and hard. Some of the banking made it difficult to stay on the track in certain places,...
The layout looks interesting and the ball deal in the middle is cool. Though some of the paths around the ball area look a little shifty like in...
So, your talking like the switch actually makes everyone on the entire map teleport to an identical map with all the stuff on it... or am I just...
Excellent, I love maps that use the water. One suggestion, what if rather than using the giant walls as a boundary, extend the floor using them,...
I like the idea, but maybe try and open the map up. Instead of the giant walls make a soft kill zone all the way around and possibly other...
This will be my first map made in Halo:Reach that I will be putting up on forge hub in the near future. Once the spawn system as well as objective...
No worries about cover, I've only been working on this map for a day all you see here is the basic layout. Cover will come later. As for the...
When I first saw the falls it was disappointing, not because you can't build around it but rather the crappy physics of the animation. The water...
I began work on what will be my first published map from reach the other night. Land Bridge is the current name (I've done a search and didn't see...
I saw a picture a while back where IDave the Rave took the forky image from Bungie and added the text, "forklifts dont die, they're just missing...
A little too much green for my taste. Yeah, the energy sword throws something off.
Roflol It would make it more interesting if you could lift things with it.