I would love to see a halo wars 2, but I'm not sure if this is how I would like it to be done or if this is the correct forum forthis to be in
Shenanigans and feet go well with grifball in my opinion
If you're really trying to create the old days again(which I was not old enough to enjoy) one thing you might want to consider is making the game...
Haha a frost dragon decided to join the battle for windhelm. Most epic thing ever. Both sides rained arrows on him and then continued fighting
Yea I basically have what neo has minus like 5 sneak and archery skill and I come no where near the domination he describes
How much damage does a "good" bow do? I just wanna know where I stand
Giants and Cowboys. I would ask who is gonna win the game... but it feels more correct to ask who is gonna lose it?
Has anybody encountered a glitch with dragons where it seems like their altitude meter is broken? I stood around for thirty minutes trying to kill...
Whoa you weren't kidding when you said you were going for a CE look. I'll be getting anniversary soon so I'll be able to get a better look at it...
Nice avatar picture thing bro. Nice to know there are actually stars fans out there. Pretty much nobody shows up to the games anymore haha
What tebow has done is many times better than Yates. Tebow stepped into a team that was doing bad and completely turned them around, while Yates...
I agree that change has to happen, but I also agree that change for the sake of change is bad. There's a sweet spot for how game changing new...
Nope nope nope. This is basically a class system and would be pretty horrible. We could also have a helmet that could make you immune to...
What the heck is up with the glitch where the right trigger starts to throw c4 instead of detonating it? That cost me 3 ****in tank kills in one game
I'll be playin battlefield until like 1:30 or so if you wanna get on right now
Suicide jeeps are just about the most fun thing in the game. Just get as much C4 as you can on the hood of it, drive it into tanks, and either...
I'm good at killing ground targets with my jet, especially when they are spotted. I find it pretty easy to disable a tank in one drive-by with my...
Yea I'm not too sure I'm in love with the campaign gameplay, but I'm finding the story pretty interesting(which doesn't happen in most games)
I applied to join the platoon... like 3 times. Sorry for the triple post, but accept me so we can start wreckin ****
Yea I think the vehicles and massive maps(which wouldn't work too well without vehicles) are what separates this game from others. If you play as...