You're taking that way out of context. He wasn't talking about changing the actual multiplayer gameplay. He was talking about how the integration...
I'm fairly sure that you will be able to unlock things outside of multiplayer. They have been making such a big deal about how your character and...
So cod-ish set default classes only map/gametype specific... interesting. I guess you can't say they arent trying. Should be work well. It seems...
That link leads me to the Spartan ops video that you linked earlier As for the discussion on all the changes, I'm torn. All I have to go on is...
He's going to be on a spaceship with a marine voiced by conan. If you watched the video, that shouldn't have been too confusing. Though I doubt...
Pretty much all I got out of that video is reinforcement in my dislike for conan and that the BR currently sounds like a pee shooter. All he did...
First off, I dont even think we know if invasion is even in. Second, the whole reason there isn't elites isnt so that they can bring in a new race...
I would like to see the falcon, but only if objective carriers can actually ride in it and not have to stand on top of it like an idiot
You should be able to control where the weapons spawn on your map if you want to. They've said that the random spawns aren't exactly random, there...
Don't feel too bad, I enjoy your clue maps I... I love Lego Do you really love Lego or are you just saying that?
Yea if you start changing weapons that have been staples throughout the halo series to support some copycat class system(we don't know to what...
I remember somebody a while back saying something like this, so halo 4's changes should venture away using halo 3 as the starting point rather...
Well, I guess I'm making some unfair assumptions. I dont like the idea of short yet numerous missions. It just kinda gives off a cheap feeling....
If you're understanding of it is more accurate, which is very likely, then I'm a lot less excited for this
I'd rather have just one mission a week and it be something that you do with your friends on Saturday night for a few months rather than there...
I wish I could've found you guys. We aren't playing anymore
Playing some decent customs if anybody wants to join. Just send a request to CAPNxCANT
Actually, all of this that they are talking about with the Spartan IVs is what has me actually excited about this game, despite all of the things...
Schnitzel has been brainwashed by 343! Who knows who is next? Everybody run!!!
I consider myself a halo 3 kiddie, but I prefer the dmr.... just sayin Also, how do you think it will work with two human precision weapons?...