There are some other maps that have been successful besides the onslaught type maps, just to name a good amount for you that aren't regicide or...
i heard, i was playing some madden w/ my bro wen i got the message. I could get one too but i just dont have a team to play w/. Btw- i was doing...
the only thing i need from you is how to be a better slayer as my slaying skills are bad in general. Objective wise i think i'm pretty good. But...
thats basically what i was thinking, it isnt hard to use a OLN canvas as well and i would rather be safe and knowing that i most likely wont hit OLN.
lol yeah cuz i definitely need your lessons, i got the smarts just lacking a br and snipe basically. plus no matter what i always find my self...
Lol nice. I think they are hilarious as well but i really dont deal with them as i play alot more MLG customs than playlists in general. Also you...
G/F > Halo, ill try to get you some pics soon BK btw- was the MLG 45 on Borg or the reg one?
I like the map and it looks good but there is one thing that everyone seems to be forgetting in the sky bubble which is to put railing on the...
you've already waited this long, the smart thing to do would probably be just to wait another month because it probably wont hurt seeing that you...
I personally disagree with you on Ambush. Though i havent seen any LAN results of them (if they've even LAN'd yet) I believe that the four players...
The teardrop method also works perfectly with the sky bubble just so you all know, it probably work in the crypt and nomal level but i havent...
i can only hope /sarcasm
got a new g/f now i hooked up with a couple weeks ago, trying to find out if shes a slow-goer or not
Bunny i missez u and ur high ass pitched voice. All 2 of my inches are so hard right now just at the thought of you
I think he means "I am a cocky 14 year old that lies over the interwebz to look cool. In reality i am fat and will never go anywhere MLG wise...
^This Sweeny predicted this a while back. He said people would make maps in the skybubble and just build one wall up and then be done because of...
Halo 1 is amazing H1>H2>H3 in terms of skill PC isnt my thing though, it was only great back in the XBC days
lolwut dude. well im still waiting for my mic =(
Overloading the map and putting an immovable object in front of the lasers. Heres some links if any of you are wondering This one has all default...
I think the map has the guardian towers blocked off so the lasers wont be a factor. OT: The map looks good and this looks like we have another...