I don't see how you're surprised that FB did better than instinct. Although they dont really have any superstar names besides Ogre2 their players...
no stats, but what i do know is Tetra did horrible.
yup 11th, i think it was classic who knocked them out though. What amazed me the most though was that Pistol and the Jets had so little teamwork...
As most of you know Str8 Rippin recovered from their 4th place performance at Meadowlands with a win at Columbus after beating Triggers Down 3-1...
While i do prefer MLG as well, we can't say it is the best because what is best comes down to what the individual enjoys
Pegasi, I hate to say it, but you destroyed that dude. Thank you for being one of the few knowledgeable people on the MLG section of these forums....
Well idk, FiS did very well and was very consistent last year and at Meadows this year he was sick and got there a couple of minutes before their...
U believe you know a good amount about MLG and believe you are very good at it yet you were thinking about warthogs in it? Yeah ok. Also, I...
Sadly he is right, although your MLG rank doesn't matter as much ( i know people that are low 20's in the playlist and can outplay the people I...
actually I'm pretty sure Guardian Slayer is still in the settings. Although a lot of people would like to see Guard TS removed im pretty sure it...
Yaro did u like that nastyyy ass clip? =D
Can you capture this dirty Killtac +1 i got in MLG Narrows Slayer. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
well i made me an iBlanked account (original i know). Also if you want you can check that map out. It's done for the most part just need to add...
Got meh XbL gold now. I might make a one month or something if your up for it
you are still never gonna live that down son. But yes you do have a terribad connection and i ALWAYS pull host when we 1v1.
the 1v1 was nice even with your somewhat over-talkative commentary. That UEG kid sucked baaad though and that with your good gameplay made for an...
im actually done with most of the basic geometry. Forging on sandbox is alot faster than foundry since interlocking isnt needed (plus i need to...
aight i will. Actually i dont have my gold (ran out 2 days ago and havent got to buying a card) but with my silver and bungie pro i can put it up...
You should consider posting some vids of your favourite GB games up here if you have a way of capturing vids or know someone who can, I'm always...
this is old but yes Heretic is an exact remake of midship except the sword bridge doesn't bounce anymore and it is more texturized. Can anyone...