I thought that Unconquered looked pretty good.
I really like the amp but you should really design it for infection, cause as you can see in the link I will provide below their is an infection...
Can't wait for download. I have always thought that this would be fun for Infection. :)
All these ideas are fine. Just so you know you can't be a "winner" in this "contest" unless it is available for download. Sorry to those who can't...
Well... yes and no. It depends if you expect a contest to have a prize (other then pride and people proclaiming your awesomeness) then it really...
So does anyone know how to make it so that once a crate falls and lands that it instantly respawns?
So what was the original idea for the map?
This link is broken too. :(
The link is broken. :(
what just happened?...
Waugh!... How did this happen? Was this a custom map or matchmaking?
So halloween is almost upon us and i think it would be cool if somebody started making some cool gametypes for the occasion. So the goal is for...
sounds fun. :squirrel_rubberduck
I think this is supposed to be in the media section (could be wrong but I presonally think the this is the case).
Sorry dude I wasn't trying to insult you. I am just in the medical field is all. :orange:
Hmmm... probably also add some ODST loadouts too. That would be pretty cool. :D
Its was just a suggestion. Here is another suggestion; so try to use more Halo CEA maps and Forgeworld maps but less REACH based maps. That would...
Thaty would indeed be beneficial. :)
so I was wondering about what one would need to do to make objects spawn quickly and how to make objects spawn mid air and fall. Basically what...
Now that is just mean. But then again if you got AIDS because you were have sex with a billion people then it probably is true that you brain...