You information does indeed appear to be accurate. One other possibility is to place a one way shield underneath the vehicle however this...
You'll have to forgive me but I can find the original thread only the FAQ(this one) and the submission thread. Now while I know that we are...
Survivor? So are you going to design this to work with your Survivor gametype?
Now this might be rather silly of me but would you mind editting your post so we just have a little more info on what the purpose of the contest...
It might help if people started forging on Tempest more. Just what i think.
go hulking elephaunts. :D
Could you some out so we have a better idea where to look. lol.
Looks nice. Now the link is broken but I am sure that is because you are adding some more AWESOME SAUCE!!! to the map. so yes can't wait for that...
NOO! Not that demonic post of Hastur(he that shall not be named)!!! but by all means use the video pyro speaks of.
So why is HELL up here? XD
Yes all you need to do is go into the gametype settings and go into the base traits. Go to movements (I think not quite sure right now) and make...
Hell yers and sign me up. Can't wait for the preview.
me too! :(
Looks reather lovely. Also like how you used tempest instead of forgeworld for this map. Look forward to downloading it. :D
The canvas map is forgeworld not boardwalk.
Well no you can create any game type you want I merely used this headhunter game type as an example.
So what gametype is it exactly? Is it an insane gametype or something else?
The archangel... has come!
Sorry to burst the bubble guys but this is off the topic. Back to halloween gametype ideas. One gametype that I am working on is pumkinhead....
So how did you get the background to be green in your first shot?