Alright, didn't know you were almost done. well perhaps you can make a sequel after anniversary comes out.
well atleast it wasn't infection. That would have sucked.
true i just wasn't sure if it would be considered trolling if I mentioned that and therefore I didn't mention it prior. Now this is going to sound...
ok. :D
Yeah true i am really excited for the marines too. I pre-ordered because I wanted to have a copy right away (not waiting a few weeks for...
wow you must have been having a really bad day. that shotgun just didn't want to kill anyone. :(
Personally can't wait to get 666 post. lol!
Alright was merely asking because I have a Halo gametype that consists of alpha zombies but starts with only one. So this answers me question....
So have you preorder Halo anniversary yet? Last night I preorder it at Gamestop and so I decided I would post this poll and discuss what comes...
lol! I love warthog camping the opposing base. Usually I am the drive though. :D
Does the alpha zombie gametype have to have more then one alpha?
A forgeworld with UNSC and Covenant parts would work really nice. Great for invasion and (in the case of UNSC crap) infection. :)
Your gametype says it is an infection gametype but I know it is KoH. Not sure iof you can edit that but if you can that would be great. :D
So... is it a mixed breed? I was merely asking because I own a few llamas.
So is your picture a llama or an alpaca?
Now this is somewhat off-topic but I you really need a hard-drive I would recommend trying to find one on ebay for a low price before you buy one...
Great screenshots. I especially love Titanium and Desiderium. :D
The ability to create spouts of flame, smoke, pestilence fumes, and a few small effects would be nice.
It looks like a great map. Although it is a little open, which could cause a few issues. But not bad. How much of the budget do you have left?
Would you mind if we discussed ideas via PM. Someone claims that this is currently necroposting and I don't want either of us to get in trouble....