Hey spy penguin since I don't have your email I can't send you the script would you be able to send me you email address.
That kind of sucks. Guess I'll play regular.
I didn't mean to say that he didn't what I meant to say is that you didn't see him long enough. Personally the fact that you just see him in a pod...
It is FAST! As for painless I am not sure...
True but if you really think about it Master Chef is what makes halo halo, and it was kind of predicted prior to the game release that he would...
Nice I am glad to hear that Mr. frisk helped you out. :D
Which comes to show that he didn't pass the covenant gun safety test. lol. :D
so remind me what is headshot immunity. does this mean that they still take damage but they don't get headshots?
so... how come the poll is closed?
Hmmm... i don't know. Personally I kind of liked ODST. I do have to agree though that reach did get kind of boring fast but I think that was more...
lol. actually WA stands for Washington state. Still if I had a gold account (currently I don't :( ) I would be open most of the time on the...
He never passed the covenant gun safety test...
lol. I hadn't even noticed that. Yeah too bad my account is silver at the moment otherwise I would be glad to help.
I am not sure that I will be able to do that considering that I have class the next day but who knows.
What pun? :confused:
lol your one of the guys who uses the hold-down trigger effect, which is something I am not good at. Great vid. loved it when the guys emps the...
Hey when you too are done tell us how it all worked out. :D
There are so many weapons. Do they actually fit well with the map?
Sure personally I have been working around trying to make a map based around "Hell," so perhaps i can make it capadable with this gametype (just...
What I always though would be cool would be the ability to hide in the water and snipe someone in an overhanging structure.