Alright so today I got the newest GI so I saw the Rock Band 2 article and so I read it and decided to do some research to see what songs were on...
I really want to start some kind of thing like FNF for non-colors. I don't know where this thread would go so I posted it here... But anyways, I...
Earlier today I read a news article where they said they would be releasing a Guitar Hero Metallica. For all you Metallica fans this is an up for...
Shipment Hello this is my map Shipment. [IMG] How This Map Came To Be This is almost a sequel to my previous map Grimace and if you have...
Grimace Hello and welcome to the thread of the map I call Grimace. [IMG] This map is great for asymmetric game types,oddball, FFA slayer, and...
After killamanjaro had his contest, I decided to have one of my own. Same rules apply no picture plagiarism or posting more than two pictures....
Alright, everyone has one really awesome staged explosion picture. Mine is below. Please do not post the same pictures over. [IMG]
how do you post maps in the forum i can't figure out how to. Please help with instructions
Hey I think my armor combo is sweet and I'd like to see what armor combinations other people like. if you post your armor combo please post in...
I thought SWAT was supposed to become a permanent playlist this week and yet it still has not. If anyone has a reasonable explanation for this...
I have been looking for sick Legendary maps and so far my search has been a failure. Please post LEGENDARY maps that you think are really good....
Alright, Alright my last maps sucked but I finally got a great map Its urban themed sort-of but not like SWAT Facility. My little brother says...
I am in search for another good game (besides halo 3 and cod4) please post what your favorite games are
I hear of people drawing and using microsoft excel to make map layouts. I don't get ho you do it though. If you use one of these methods,...
I want to make some sick closed in maps but i can't because 1. don't have enough patience/time 2.I suck at interlocking objects Any help on how...
what is your favorite forgeable item
Alright I've watched tons of videos and read tons of instructions of how to merge/interlock objects and yet I still do not get how to do it. I...
I don't know if any of you are interested but I think it would be cool if like 7-8 people got together on a certain day and forged for a few...
Deep in the Central American jungle, and Aztec pyramid looms unchallenged and unconquered. Rise up and be the new Aztec king by keeping your...
I am creating a cool multi-floating platform KOTH map called Aztec. It will also feature its own gameptype, Aztec Warrior. Game and map will...