"Man's best friend" doesn't go far enough for Buddy — a German shepherd who remembered his training and saved his owner's life by calling 911 when...
Dave Tracy said he can understand thieves ing ice cream from one of the Hershey's delivery trucks he manages. But stealing a hood off the...
Just a video I found that is quite funny. All it is is people getting owned by something and failing epicly. It is very enjoyable! So enjoy!...
Hey I need a new sig! Well sorta but still... Here is what I guess is my request form.... Render...
I want to get better at GIMP and sig making in General and I wanted to know what is the best tutorial to make signatures? This is opinionated...
It has risen to my attention that the subject of Animal Cruelty would be a great debate subject. Please post your thoughts on these following...
Alright so I am ALMOST to the katana and marathon helmet and one thing stands in my way... Campaign Scoring. If you have any tips of the fastest...
Well recently I have been grounded so I decided I would work on my GIMP skills. Here are some of the outcomes of my experimentations: [IMG]...
So I have been looking for brushes and I decided to ask you guys what you think are the best GIMP brushes. Please post a link to the brush as...
Hey, As you know, I am Th Kn1ght and if you aren't retarded, you know I'm not new at all. This is my thousandth post and I have never done one...
The title says it all! Alright my favorite is probably Cops and Robbers, Cat and Mouse, or Fat Kid on Levels 3. Those are my favorite but what...
I am proposing this new idea of official MLG teams that are comprised of active members of ForgeHub. These teams would not only play MLG online,...
[IMG] Alright so I just got the game down and I think it is a pretty sweet game. I wanted to know how to level up faster though, especially in...
So sure Halo 3 is a really great shooter but is it the best of all time? This includes shooters that date way back to the good ole days of the...
So Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is debatably one of the best games to ever come out. I think that teaming up with Infinity Ward was a really...
Here is the vid Alright so this video came out a while ago and many still wonder if its true or its fake. I decided to post this to get your...
[IMG] A one euro coin has turned up in Spain bearing the face of cartoon couch potato Homer Simpson instead of that of the country's king, a...
[IMG] Talk about a memorable birthday: A Fergus Falls family is welcoming a baby born at 8:08 a.m. on the eighth day of August,...
In my newest map I am building an elevator type thing that consists of two door teleporters. I have built the first one and I can go through it...
Welcome to my sig shop! I have recently decided to start a Sig Shop dedicated to Nintendo Characters (Mario, Yoshi, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Link,...