[IMG] First time in the 'shop for quite a bit. Lemme know what you think. EDIT: I posted the wrong one but now the most recent one is in the...
Hi guys I'm new. Can I haz welcome hugz 4 money?
Hey guys! I havent been on in forever but I just wanted to throw out that I will be doing the Vidmaster's Annual, Deja Vu, and whatever that...
V1. [IMG] V2. [IMG] Eh?
[IMG] v2: Text changes [IMG] CnC pl0x.
[IMG] Meh.... I was bored. CnC plox??
CnC my newest sig... First total stock sig I've done in awhile [IMG] a few changes and; [IMG]
[IMG] Newest sig... Kinda bland but ya lemme know your thoughts
I am hoping for a long temporary ban if I don't recieve that, I still probably won't be too active. Off Topic/PPC was my reason for staying here,...
So I go on today and I see that you can FINALLY get your Rock Band 2 bonus tracks! I was really happy so I went to check my email for my code (I...
Alright since T3chnomonkey is no longer active, (sadface), sdrakulich and I have decided to take on his "business" and do the same. Here is his...
Alright so when the double EXP weekend of Rocket Racing was out, kidbomber and I took this oppurtunity to mess with little kids while gain EXP....
Party House Created by Th Kn1ght,boydy, and DRiSCOLL Have you ever wanted to just go on Halo just to mess around? Just to PARTY?!?!...
Hey does anyone know of or have a good castle crasher render? I looked on Planet Renders and they only have two that aren't very good.... If you...
Alright so I have been hearing a lot about Castle Crashers so I went and downloaded the trial. It was pretty fun and I want to know a few things...
A patient treated for agonizing abdominal pain received this surprising news in the hospital's paperwork: "Based on your visit today, we know...
Since the TU2, are the Katana and Marathon helmet still achievable? I am pretty sure the Marathon helmet is because I unlocked it for like three...
An Ohio farmer would like to invite you to get lost inside the head of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.A 16-acre corn maze...
A West Virginia man accused of passing gas and fanning it toward a police officer no longer faces a battery charge. The Kanawha County...
Elephant Finally Gets Off Addiction to Herione An elephant that became addicted to e at the hands of illegal traders will return...