aw, I took a 4 month break from halo and now theres no more + rep =(. I just thought your post was good...
I want to give you + rep but I forgot how. How?
This map looks very fun but a bit too simple. Unfortunately, there are already many other maps that are identical to this built on sandbox. Why...
Due to the fact that you didn't actually create anything much at all this map seems terrible. Like Aceofspades said, it probably took you less...
Just search around the forums, read the rules, then come back and post this properly. I think he knows he needs to imbed pics now =P...
your thread will be removed if you don't embed screenshots! You need to embed pictures. Just drag pics from recent screenshots to your...
Glad you liked the map. I tried to get you to test it, but you were never online... I'd like to play with you sometime though. Oh, also I need...
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah... mcain =P
Usually maps with interlocking are better. Not because of the fact that they're interlocked but because the interlocking shows that the creator...
I really like the look of this map, it's not quite like any other maps I've seen. Everything seems interlocked to perfection and the layout looks...
Just wondering if you could give me some feedback on my latest map Quincunx.
could you please read the post above yours on my map Quincunx?
The map is not very open at all. Feel free to have a forgethrough. Thank's for the complements. I hope you enjoy the map. Tell me if you found...
Remember to COMMENT and RATE! [IMG] Quincunx: An arrangement of five objects with one at each corner of a rectangle and one at the center....
Bloodsnatch = bloody ******
I really like the layout. It looks perfect for mlg. With such an amazing layout I'm surprised you didn't take the time to make it clean. This map...
Looks like a great map, that pic from above is really neat looking. I like your aesthetics and layout very much. You should complete a final,...
The layout does not look "extremely simple" at all. I see multiple pathways and tunnels. The bases are actually pretty far apart, they just look...
The landslide only kills you in the snow zone, nowhere else, that crap is too small. The rocket PWN's because it has a nice view of the center...
I'm just wondering what program you used to draw out the map and show weapon locations. EDIT: woops you already answered my question above... I...