I knew this would be up here sooner or later. Totally deserving, and this is my personal favorite competitive map. Great job guys, and thanks for...
Great job on this map guys, it really is one of the most amazing competitive maps to ever grace Sandbox. And I say that because not only did you...
Wow, there certainly seems to be an increase in the amount of map features lately... I like it. Halcyon has a wicked design and layout. I love...
Nice job Meta, I recently played this map and was very impressed with it's quality. The forging is some of the most flawless I have seen. I also...
Haha, yeah, sorry, I hd to tke it off. No more room with the release of my map Prosketball. We'll get one up soon though, don't worry. It'll just...
Cool. Yeah that's too funny, I was thinking the exact same thing.
Ah! Delete my welcoming hub pub thread please. I knew I shouldn't have made one..
Congats Urban, this is a very well deserved premium. This map is just fantastic, and it would be a shame not to see it up here. I'll see you in...
Haha, I was just checking the forums to see if you had posted this yet. This is one of the best survival-type mini-games I've played to date on...
Very nice Behe1d. I believe this is the one you were wanting me to test? Well it looks very good aesthetically, and if your past maps have been...
Haha thanks. I guess I'll have to show you through them sometime ;)
I played this during one of the play tests. It was fun, and definitely an original idea, but my criticism is that the rounds lasted too short. Not...
That doesn't make any sense. Why would anyone do an execution then, when they could do a backsmack and spare themselves the time and...
My main concern is whether or not we'll be able to build bigger and better levels as Reach has much more polygons/ texture than Halo 3, and as a...
Why thank you good sir :D
My last exam is on Wednesday at 2pm PST. So Wednesday evening, or tuesday evening works for me.
This is true. Way to make me feel bad for not studying for mine, lol. Ah well, maybe I should get around to doing that instead tonight.
Haha yeah, there's a bit of a learning curve to them. But I've shown lots of people who are new to puzzles through these maps, the only skill they...
Awesome thanks man. And if you ever get stuck, let me know and I'd be happy to show you through the map ;)
Hey man, how do you like your new colour?