[IMG] i actually went on camipan and flew into a pelican and you can go into the cockpit! [IMG] this is outside foundry [IMG] this is a cool...
I just wanted to start a new discussion about what Bungie can do to improve forge. here are a few of my ideas: *Every now and again update...
Notice that they said Mythic map pack is there last MAP PACK that doesn't mean that they won't continue to make indivisual maps like cold storage.
you actuall spawn with a plasma pistol but there are carbines EVERYWHERE so you pick one up out of logic
it looks pretty cool to me........
looks good I always like a good puzzle on those rainy days when no one is online can't wait to play it!
Why did you post it before it was done? it looks good so far though
cool map but i think that if you put it in mini games it will get better ratings