Glufer Beatdown Medals: 3 Link: HERE
I recently play tested this map, and plan on dramatically changing the bottom's layout, and most likely the aesthetics of both blue and red bases....
This is a fantastic looking map. It has a unique style that, just bye skimming the photos I can say is very original. I would love to play this...
Ok so this is an idea that me and my friend have had for awhile: Look at the fictional aspect of the halo universe. It's basically endless...
We can only hope......*stares dreamily into the infinitely bright Forgeworld sun* But seriously that would be pretty badass. I would end up...
Thanks. This is in no way finished in many ways, I just needed some feedback before I added an major embellishments.
Proelium [NOTICE] This map has been updated asthtecally on the buildings and down below however I have not updated the post due to the...
Based on running around in this map for a couple minutes, I have alot to say. First off, I love the design of the buildings. It's very unique and...
The layout of this map looks insanely similar to a map I made in Halo 3. Crazzzyyyy. I like the overall look of the map and the aesthetics look...
am i the only one who noticed that the man cannons are on the same side when they should be on opposite sides? Otherwise great remake, no...
YouTube - Reach Forge Tutorials Ep1: Drop Pods Unfortunately this is the best method I know of....It doesn't work 100% of the time, and as...
That factor has been elminated, the zombie does no damage, but the explosion cause you to fly off. Yes this gametype is alot of fun, i plan on...
Looks very cool. Definitly beats the deafault foundry. Geo-merging is clean, nice overall look, kudos.
Hey Sorry about the gametype problem i re-link if possible, and i haven't been on Forgehub in like FOR EVER, so sorry.
Good looking map. It looks good, gametype and classes looks sound, and nothings to overpowered. I can't say it's amazing but I'll still DL. Well I...
I love how their are no pictures, no links and only a one sentance description....SIGH Read THIS
3/5 -The forging is kind of sloppy but not terrible. -Armories usually end badly in a map, so I would suggest removing it. -Not the most original...
well i guess there's only one way to learn. The harsh comments of an internet forum. *sigh* it's been a helluva week so far......
Ok....I'll make another one. I didn't spend to much time on it and it sucks ok. Point understood. Now as far as Deviant art tutorials go, I don't...
For your information I know alot of techniques, but I found this one to be more subtle and effective. If you would like to suggest something...