That is truly a superb map, forge wise and game wise, I thank you for making a map as well as that one.
get a life Shihuru, stop spamming me you ass.
Its OK forge wise, but I cant imagine well Game play on it.4/5
CASTLE v.3 This is version 3 of my wonder ful castle series. This version however is based for infection, but for team based gametype that...
I only accept insults with reason.
How exactly do you make those side videos after all ur post
Thanks I will put ur information to use
Its okay to take the idea, because I cant be the first person thats done that.
I dont know how this happened I have already made a full post on this map, it new. sorry I dont know this was posted
CASTLE v.2 Alright I think this is the final post on this map. If you read my other post then you already know the basics of this map, also I...
i wish i could delete this sorry
Just quick feedback, first and for most I am very sorry about the screenshot issue I am also sorry to inform that there will be none for the next...
CASTLE v.2 I recently been making my very series of Castle maps, mainly its a variety of them going from Infection to Slayer to Objectives. This...