wow I see what you mean by another ambush, but yeah this is actually one of the better ambush maps nice work but sort of closed quarters, but...
dude when I saw the title I thought wow noooooob!!! but now images in my head have changed, it look way awesome, but yeah no, its very well made...
Dude it looks marvelous, but honestly, I cant follow a single thing goin on in any of the pics, there is so much, let me rephrase, too much geo...
dude I have only one thing to say, how old are you and why would you be alle crazy about a sho that makes no sense whaotsoever, well thats...
wow what can I say, PonyD your maps surpass magnificent, with its truely elite interlocking, geo merging, and placment. I have downloaded all your...
It looks like a great map because of its interlocking technique and its slight geo merging, but gameplay wise, it looks fun the first few times...
thank you norbert
Hay shihuru you seriously posted this, wow your way cool, you actually wasted this much time make this post, well if I see any more crap about me...
Actually the zombies cannot get in through the man cannons, because if you are playing my specific gametype the zombies have a high gravity so man...
i do have to admit its too open, but i didnt use the money glitch, so I cant make anymore to the map.HAPPY FORGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks very interesting ill defenitly try it out5/5
I'LL help
looks fun I can already imagine making a game for it 5/5.HAPPY FORGING!!!!!!
looks well made and also looks like it has awesome gamplay i'll definitley try this game out latter,5/5.HAPPY FORGING!!!!!!!
wow loks great definite try out.5/5 oh and check out this map: HAPPY...
I dont see most of the maps features with only three screenshots, but ill download it to try it out, happy forging.3/5 its reasonable, lack of...
yeah, the pictures are too small, you should fix it to get effective downloads, I advise you make an account on image shack and upload your...
Sounds uber awesome mega super duper fun, im mainly playing multi search, second chance search, and hardcore ricochet.
I know its too open, but I cant really change that, because I have already used all the money in the map, sorry.
v.4 has already been made and its post is coming