are u high, ipod is better, because of sike,capability, and ipod touch... duh!
do you know Chrisco93
It is a mod its called graph planet it was made by Chrisco93, it was also a modded film so he could wear recon.If you need me to show you my GT is...
thanks a lot
Dude I just got GIMP and I heard your good at it, any pointers please throw them out
Dude I just gat GIMP and i heard your a great teacher do you have any suggestions for me before I get started
I know how to mod so dont act like you dont know what im talking about
DUDE that is nice, i like the super glue thing, but I know how it feels to rip super glued stuff off you... I do it all the time.
Well after I got it my parents made me go to school, and you know its awesome showing girls a scar on your eye, but after school I went to my eye...
well I never said it took skill and its not everyday you get one of these
This thread is intended for anyone to talk about a broken bones, or deep cuts or any horrid scars youve had in the past or present. My Story: It...
Im not gonna lie, but it sounds like a small stroke.
[IMG] Story: I know what your thinking, "I've gotten an Overkill in a warthog turret plenty of times.", but in this situation I was not in the...
[IMG] JK but no seriously do you need any help with anything, cause ill tell you anything you have know about FH
lol 100 post, i mean yaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
okay.. I was on the wrong thread, i meant to be on the "rate the users signature above you" one, I just misread it, i dont care if people know me...
therye all awesome and all but I want to see a master of puppets one, then itll be even awsesomer.
You should call yourselves CLG(Cowards League of Gaming) because you cant play a game without hiding in one you big coward!