nothing against your map, but if this gets featured then The Doog better be, i gave this 4.5 out of 5, too easy
compared to the other junk that has been on here of Ascension remakes, this is the best so far there might be better in the future, but until then 5/5
damn, it looks good for a first map souneds like you could use a lot more weapons though 4/5
very good map, 5/5 is Doognit's race map going to get featured or what?
congrats on the feature and premium Doognit, well deserved for you since the moment you got on forgehub still waiting for The Doog to get featured...
this was very good gameplay, forging was great, but the killball is the only problem. but this map is what is going to inspire other forgers to...
color taken care of Doognit
to me, it looks too much like all the race maps on foundry, just larger and with more turns, ill download though 4/5
though i dont do it, people should use this for machinima, ****ing bad ass
the greatest (so far) of all the maps i have seen of yours Doognit "That one dude you once saw fighting an invisible bird while sipping on...
there we go, thank you Doognit for thanking me, haha best map you have made yet
hey Doognit, this is Kyler why dont i of all people get a thanks, i was one of the people testing it with you
ahhhh... goldeneye, the Halo of my childhood, good times facility was my second favorite multiplayer map, this looks great, i'll download, but yea...
i prefer Doognits map over this
badass man