This reminds me of Hell's Kitchen in Far Cry 2.
Nice map, but could you tell me how you geomerge into the dunes of sandbox? I've been wondering that for ages now.
hold on, what's the point of keeping the default objects there, if you fill the 640 object limit, can't you still spawn the objects bungie placed...
This map and all the other recently featured maps are VERY BORING. We need more map not made in Foundry or Avalanche, they just got so bland.
To me, it just looks like a test to see what you were capable of making in forge. Don't get me wrong, it's a great map, but it just has that...
Ahh, I hate how most people on this website think that maps are crap if they don't have any type of interlocking or merging. I like this map,...
Do we really have to do an investigation on who rated? I mean, please. Overall I think it's a good idea for a map and I'm not offended by any...
You need pics
Excellent! I love this.
o hai I love playin on this its like my fav map u made! Oh and im the orange hayabusa guy in the last screenshot lol.
wow this is a fun map even if it breaks the rules its really fun for 2 flag i was just playing it for like an hour great job!
I'm trying to get a two way node in one of the small window'd rooms at the top of rat's nest. is it possible, and if so, how can I go about doing it?
I was thinking of making a H2 Scarab on Avalanche, I might do it when i get the chance
I know, I just made an infection gametype because everyone seems to only like infection
Wow thanks, you're actually the one that inspired me to make this
SoB x Kombat made this... Or at least he told me that >_<
Avalanche Scarab! Well, This is my first map. It's a Scarab on Avalanche. I made it because I've never seen a Scarab on Avalanche. It took me...
Ooh Mr. Mime needs a deployable cover for the invisible wall he makes
oo i can't wait to get a closer look on the ladder DL'd
Ok here's the way to save overloading. Make a floating platform outside the map so people can't jump on it. Make a big pile of weapons and...