[IMG] Welcome to Route 78. Route 78 was originally a large-scale prison where the worst criminals were sent, away from civilization, free to...
Your screenshots have to be embedded. go to haloscreenshots.net, type in your gamertag, and copy the BB code under your screenshot into your...
It's the Graffiti effect that you can find in the tutorials on ForgeHub.
Wow, just wow. This map looks worthy to be on the Team Doubles playlist. It looks Guardian-esque, but smaller than Guardian, and the map looks...
It looks like a good concept, but I would definitely consider putting in weapons, and working on those spawns. I can see what you were going for...
Haha, good and original switch! I never really see any impressive switches around here anymore, but this one sure is. I can see this being used in...
Your post is lacking at least one picture of the map. Read this.
You need at least one picture of the map in your post. Also, for the title of the thread, please only put the name of the map. Read this.
Please don't use white text, people using the Classic theme won't be able to read your post. But anyways. The map looks nice aesthetically, but...
Modded film... :D And yeah I was trying to get Gunslinger while I was throwing the Regenerator so it was just his face, but it just wouldn't work...
Umm... That's because it is flaming recon, lol. O_O
I really rofled at your first comment. I never noticed that. XD And I didn't use the Nova FX on Gunslinger, are you talking about a different...
I didn't really mean the best, but my favorite. Also, I don't recall using Nova in any of these screenshots. O_O Thanks for the feedback though! :D
Here's 4 random screenshots that I took earlier today after reading some tutorials on effects here at ForgeHub, I took a shot at my own...
Yeah man, I know about that... But how do I get them to appear HD size on my fileshare? I've seen HD sized screenshots on other people's...
Ok, I don't have an HDTV, but is there any way to make my screenshots HD size?
This map looks very original, as it's on the outside of the map. But if you go out too far, won't you die? Nevertheless, I'm still going to...
He meant that you could escape the map over the walls surrounding it, just by grenade jumping, not grenade jumping up to the claw.
Here's the URL for the map, for future reference, just click on the name of the map on bungie.net and link to that page. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File...
Yeah man, this map is pretty simple. Like what TyIsSOFLY said, it looks like a map some 10-year old made when he just bought Halo 3, and no...