yeah, there isnt really anything that catches my attention either, but good merging and overall design 4.7/5
looks like a good close-quarters map, doesn't have a very good look to it but i'll give it a 3.7/5
You kind of need to work on the interlocking, but other than that it looks pretty solid.
Cool, well thought out map looks pretty solid too.
I like the fact that some people are finally going back to the basics, Looks like a pretty solid and decent map.
I like the last one the best
Cool Favorites here would have to be Killer and Run or Die
Looks like an amazing map. I like the look of the ribs and the interlocking is superb. Way to go!
Looks really cool, i like the mancannons leading to the middle, it seems like a good map to download.
i'm using gimp pictures and it wont let me upload them on photobucket. what do i do?
one word... awesome.
How do you make sigs? Please post a link or and answer!:frustrated:
How do you make sigs? :scout::recon::odst::cqb:
Nice Map _________________________________________________________________ [IMG]
:squirrel_chatting:awesome map:squirrel_chatting: