I like the idea, but we would need some rules. I'm sure some HIHers could find some neat launches.
Watch this. Everything is possible until proven otherwise.
Disagree! I love going through man cannons! It's feels so epic getting launched out of something at extremely high speeds! Besides, with this...
I love MLG playlists! They are so fair, I love it! As with the MLG BKs, keep doing cheap things against them. It'll maek their head asplode!
Amen, brother. There are just too many good possibilities in Reach that we shouldn't look over.
Viewpoint is my first map design for Halo: Reach. It is on the smaller side is is both-ways symmetrical. I know most of you don't like two-sided...
Really? I don't remember them saying anything about no grand OLN.
I was building my sketchup and decided to tally up each category and then check on my budget. Mind you, this design used a lot more objects than...
Can you build this in forge? It looks like a ton of objects.
I need to know what category they are in so I can tally my objects in the SketchUp I'm creating right now.
My thouhts exactly.
I believe you can as long as you're only in the passenger seat.
Meh. I've never really been a big fan of real life halo. It's probably just some ad for Reach.
Can anybody tell me under which category those gigantic walls are under?
Just say lagoon. I said it. It HAS to be the future overused spot.
I dun get it. Layman's terms please?
Difficulty is my specialty. I will start with Legendary. If it proves to be too difficult, I will go to Heroic
Hah dude that was really great. I'm reading Mythology right now so I can relate to this. Good job!
I don't care. I will settle for Normal.
I'm pretty sure that's what they DID do. I swear I've seen it!