the first time i heard owl city, i honestly thought that it was the most metrosexual music in existence. but nevertheless, its grown on me. 7/10...
one interesting theory i heard not to long ago was that: you are always dreaming, and your subconcious is always churning, but it is only durring...
sweet pic, the speed of light one is the only unique one of the batch. its a room in orbital, it was featured on bungie faves a while ago...
the state of non-thought you just described is the basis for all meditation and hypnotrance.
first part: its tough to just classify the bible as right or wrong. the bible contains many different aspects, morals, lessons, and stories....
i would go to a real doctor and maybe get checked for other alergens. it could be something in your diet or something else that you're alergic to.
fo sho as for the existence of god before the big bang: it may disprove god as the catalyst, but it does not disprove god as the higher...
this thread has the most random is global warming related to god?
im a 43 in lone wolves and a 35 in mlg. mlg is definitely the harder playlist if you don't have a team
crazy original map man! i haven't seen this before, or played on it for that matter, but my first impression is that of epic win. definite download
i think it's a great idea, not so much a "great idea for the site", but a great idea for a map pack or series.
technically, teenagers/minors dont have any rights at all. as long as it isn't criminal, a parent can really "force" you to do anything, and if...
here's a handy-dandy diagram [IMG]
im confused, how does the evidence for how life was created argue against the existence of god? if he is all powerfull, couldn't he create life...
ive always wanted to play this, but for some reason i dont have it downloaded. even though i'll need to make some space, this map will definitely...
did you use the new glitch for this? if not, great geomerging, and if yet...still amazing work. the added objects really add a new demension...
yes, yes they do. but that being said, obama is a great orator. the speach was very well delivered in my opinion
I actually agree with Erico on this one; i am a theist and i believe in evolution i dont quite know what you're saying here. to me it seems...
yes, yes i can. zander already said this, but you just dont do that. when you are elected to be the senator or representative of a state of...
very well done Blaze. quality amplifiedesque mlg maps are hard to find these days, but you really hit the nail on the head with this one. the...